Having my book " How do you measure up as a lover" ridiculed on Amazon, I can fully understand the disappointment of bad reviews. On chapter one of my book " How do you measure up as a lover" I asked this important question.
When you go out on that so important first date with a girl what do you look at first?
1. Her Eyes
2. Her Hair
3. Her Teeth
4. Her Husband
I followed this up with other challenging questions i.e. Chapter 80 which asked, " When you meet a girl on a first date do you give her:
2. Chocolates
3 . One
Now I thought these thought provoking and helpful questions, would get good reviews,
Other chapters asked these challenging questions " Do you believe in holding hands before marriage" and " Do you know where deodorant comes from? So I had hoped I would have got me on the best seller list. Sadly to recite one of my Amazon negative reviews " I put it to you that you are a virgin, and nothing more than a disgusting evil-minded creep" Well the review may be true, but if anybody wants a personal signed copy of my book " How do you measure up as a lover?" it's yours absolutely free, because I have 10,000 of them taking space in the garage.
The Rebel :-)